SOFTSWISS Unites iGaming! How They’re Transforming Brazil Flood Relief!

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In the wake of Brazil’s most devastating flood, SOFTSWISS has put in motion a multi-tiered philanthropic initiative. The project seeks to extend immediate emergency relief to those impacted, ensure sustained support for rebuilding the area, and encourages industry participation in the effort.

In late April, the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil suffered an intense flood. Numerous populated locations remain underwater, with expert predictions suggesting that the waters are unlikely to recede in the near future. As weather conditions continue to degrade, the humanitarian crisis is exacerbating daily with increasing scarcity of food, water and warm attire. The wider community, encompassing public entities, businesses and individuals, are striving to provide assistance in all possible ways.

SOFTSWISS has set the ball rolling by rallying the iGaming sector to lend a hand to the afflicted region.

Extending Immediate Support

In acknowledgement of the critical situation, SOFTSWISS has dedicated funds to dispatch necessary provisions like food and fuel to those grappling with the crisis. The facilitation of this urgent aid is being conducted through Movimento União BR, a local benevolent institution.

Further than just immediate relief, SOFTSWISS is also invested in aiding the long-term recovery of Brazil. The firm has committed extra resources to PWTECH to implement water purification systems within educational facilities throughout the disaster-struck areas of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This is aimed at providing a long-term, sustainable solution to ensure access to potable water – a measure set to benefit not just the current populace, but future generations as well.

Mobilizing The iGaming Industry

SOFTSWISS is appealing to the international iGaming sector to be a part of its relief campaign. Apart from monetary contributions, the firm is also delivering key informational aid. SOFTSWISS, in tandem with its Latin American Non-Executive Director Rubens Barrichello, has selected a reliable Brazilian charity as their partner in aiding those affected by the flooding:

  • Movimento União BR – a volunteer-driven initiative that serves as a conduit between willing helpers and those who require assistance. Originally set up in 2020 to combat the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, it has since extended aid to over 26 million people and 4000 NGOs.

Moreover, anyone wishing to extend help to the flood victims can do so through an official channel activated by the government of Rio Grande do Sul.

SOFTSWISS ensures that donations reach those genuinely in need.

By backing these vetted charities along with SOFTSWISS’ financial and informational outreach, the iGaming community can ensure their contributions go right to the heart of aiding those impacted by the Brazilian floods.