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Appearing monthly, this publication covers gambling aspects in casinos, outlining gambling strategies, and painting a vivid picture of people involved in this illusion and where it unfolds. It also keeps its readers updated about the latest trending technologies in the gambling sector, providing an objective view of the widely debated lifestyle, sharing the views of leading personalities in this industry.


Embracing the concept of transparency, CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE’s aim is to reveal the backstage operations of this industry, thus building a bridge between the flashy world of casinos and the broad audience. Regarded as a pioneer in this specific genre of advertisement, the magazine promotes Romania’s casino industry and gambling scene. Each copy comprises segments devoted to the nation’s gambling spots, celebrated international casinos, games, historical milestones, online casinos, and even cruises. It features interviews with renowned gamblers, influential public figures, individuals who play a significant role in today’s business world, sharing their insights and viewpoints about the casino world.


The magazine’s content is neatly divided into four distinct sections:

Casino DiscoverThis offers a cover interview, profiling a notable individual in the industry, the presentation of a casino, a report, news items, and articles about games and gambling rules.

Casino Life StyleHere, one would find an interview with a celebrity, a Casino Girl pictorial, an introduction of a famous international casino, articles about luxury locales and products, stars, events happening within casinos.

Casino ExplorerThis page is dedicated to the exploration of different facets of gambling in casinos, detailing rules and strategies, bringing forth gambling realities in the 21st century, and highlighting the achievements of legendary gambling champions.

Casino Travel & LeisureThis section showcases exclusive locations, famous cities, and services delivered by casinos worldwide.

Target Audience

CASINO LIFE & BUSINESS MAGAZINE is particularly tailored for those captivated by the dynamic world of casinos. The readers are individuals whose lifestyle commands a quality experience, comfort, and high-level entertainment. They are successful, affluent, very socially active, thrill-seeking individuals, with a flair for risk-taking. They value their fortune and have an efficient control over their finances. A majority of these are high-impact individuals, making them key decision-makers. Note that over 60% of casino participants are foreigners, with 20% of them visiting the country solely for deriving pleasure in gambling, while the rest are here for business dealings.